November 2021

New and Improved Oboe Cane
First of all, we'd like to thank everyone who took the time to send oboe cane feedback! It has been overwhelmingly glowing which has inevitably gone straight to our heads!

Most of the feedback regarding the shapes was either in the "it's just right" or "it's slightly too wide" categories.

After three months of consulting with very helpful oboists across the globe, we decided to re-evaluate how we were determining the final shape dimensions. Our new method resulted in slightly narrower measurements that more closely match those of our advisors. The Mack Pfeiffer, and RDG-1 shapes changed very little. The biggest difference was to the Joshua +2 shape, which is quite a bit more narrow now. You can see the measurements we have settled on HERE.

What we have left of the original oboe cane inventory is on CLEARANCE at a steep discount! No returns, refunds or exchanges on clearance items.

New Oboe Cane Brands

In addition to Rigotti and Lavoro, we now also offer Loree and Danzi oboe cane. Alliaud is coming soon!

Bassoon and Oboe Reed Makers

If you are a reed maker and you buy your cane from us, please let us know so that we can promote you on social media and link to your website on our “resources” page! We get a lot of requests for finished bassoon and oboe reeds and we want nothing more than to send you lots of business! Feel free to reply to this email with your link info.

Early December - Expect Delays

We will probably experience some delays the first two weeks of December (Julie is having surgery). If you plan to make a bulk order, or a medium to large order, please consider putting those orders in before the end of November. The sooner the better! We are doing our best to stockpile cane for December to minimize delays, but you can never be too safe! We want to avoid cane emergencies if possible!

Videos on Social Media

As always, we LOVE a social media shout out. You can follow us in all of the usual places: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. Thanks so much to everyone who has taken the time to review our cane! If you experience a wild itch to make an honest Barton Cane review video (oboe or bassoon), and post it to social media, we will love you forever!

Thank you all very much! So much love,

Julie, David and Lucille

July 2021

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Short and Sweet Newsletter:

Hello Friends! Hope you are all well and enjoying this week of IDRS performances and presentations!

Pre-Order New Limited Edition Barton Cane Dripping T-Shirt

Feel free to use the IDRS coupon code! Pre-order by August 4th!

IDRS Sale!

15% off cane AND apparel now through 7/31/21. Coupon code: IheartIDRS Does not apply to bulk orders

Oboe Cane Launches August 1st, 2021!

We'll be adding gouged, shaped and scored oboe cane to our website!

You'll be able to choose:
* Cane Diameter: From 10mm to 11mm in increments of .25mm
* Shape: We'll start with Mack-Pfeiffer, RDG-1, Joshua +2, Mack + and Liang

* Type of Cane: We'll start with Rigotti and Lavoro

Thus ends our Short and Sweet Newsletter!

Much Love,

David, Julie and Lucille

March 2021

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Welcome to Barton Cane's Very Infrequent Newsletter!

St. Patrick's Day Sale! Starts now, ends at midnight tomorrow! Get your lucky cane!
20% off cane and apparel. Coupon Code: LuckyLittleReeds

Excludes bulk orders.

Crossword Puzzle with Prizes!

There is a brand new Barton Cane crossword puzzle at (scroll to bottom of the homepage). The first 10 solvers to email us a screenshot of the solved puzzle get a FREE t-shirt!

Oboe Cane!

We hope to be offering oboe cane soon! So far we have nothing to announce and no timeline. :) But feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions at all!

Lucille's Reed Making Advice Column:

Pup tip #1: Always have a nice stick nearby, preferable about eight feet long by two to four inches in diameter.
Pup tip #2: Keep a bed in every room of the house just in case you need to recharge with an emergency nap.

Pup tip #3: Don't overthink the reed making process. Just scrape a little off the back and then settle down on the closest bed with a nice squeaky toy and just relax until dinner time.

We sincerely hope that this finds you well at what is hopefully the tail end of this covid year. We are beyond grateful to be a part of the double reed community during this difficult time. Thank you for your love and support throughout the year!

Much Love,

Julie, David and Lucille

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February 2021

Barton Cane's Very Infrequent Newsletter:


Valentine's Day Sale!

15% off all gsp cane and Barton Cane apparel!

Coupon code: LOVE

The sale starts today and ends on 2/15/21
*Does not apply to bulk orders *Cannot be combined with other offers

Valentine's Day Drawing!

Submit a romantic photo of you with your bassoon HERE for a chance to win a $100 Barton Cane gift certificate on Valentine's Day!

New Artists: Frank Morelli, Jon Halvor Lund, Drew Pattison
Some changes were made to our William Short style. Click HERE for more details. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Oboe Cane Update: Our oboe cane machinery is coming along nicely and we hope to be offering gouged and shaped oboe cane by this spring! We will keep you updated! If you play oboe and would like to influence our oboe cane decisions, feel free to fill out THIS survey.

IDRS: The 2021 IDRS conference that was scheduled to take place in Boulder, CO this summer has been postponed to 2022. Click HERE for more information.

Thank you all so much for your continued support throughout the pandemic!

Much love,
Julie, David and Lucille

November 2020

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Not really a newsletter... more like just a couple of items:

Black Friday Sale Is Here!

15% off all cane and apparel (including new limited edition hoodies and tanks) now through Monday, 11/30. Stock up on cane and holiday gifts!Coupon code: BlackFriday2020

Oboe Cane Coming Soon!!!

We hope to be producing a wide variety of gouged and shaped oboe cane in 2021! We will base our oboe cane offerings on the outcome of the following short survey:

If you play oboe feel free to fill it out. We would also love love love it if you would take a second to share it with your oboe friends and colleagues!

Wishing you all a wonderful and safe holiday season!

Much love,

Team Barton Cane

October 2020

Barton Cane's Very Infrequent Newsletter

Halloween Sale!
15% off all cane through 10/31/2020 Coupon code: SpookyReeds

Halloween Drawing #1: Pets in Costumes

Submit a photo of your pet in costume to our post on the Double Reed Pets facebook page on or before Halloween to be entered to win $100 off your next order! Drawing will take place the day after Halloween. The winner will be announced on the post. If you are not on social media, you can submit a photo by replying to this email.

Halloween Drawing #2: Humans in Costumes with Bassoons

Submit a photo to our facebook post of you in costume with your bassoon on or before Halloween to be entered to win $100 off your next order! Drawing will take place the day after Halloween. Winner will be announced in the post. If you are not on social media, you can submit a photo by replying to this email.

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New Barton Cane Swag!
We now have (a limited supply of) maroon Barton Cane hoodies and women's lightweight purple tank tops!

End of Newsletter
We sincerely hope that everyone is hanging in there during this year of chaos! We also sincerely hope that this year of chaos turns it down a notch or two very soon!!!

Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable Halloween!

Warmest Regards,
The Barton Cane Team

May 2020

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Dear Barton Cane Customers,

First of all, we just wanted to thank you all for your orders and support during this pandemic! It is heartwarming to see the bassoon community coming together and taking care of each other.

Artist Relief

For the month of June, we will be donating 20% of our sales to The Artist Relief Program.

Also - we just wanted to give you all a heads up:

Our 20% off + free shipping discount will be ending on June 1st (we will not be extending it).

Coupon code: MusicianRelief

Cane Donations:

If you, or a bassoonist you know is really hurting because of covid, and having some gsp cane would help your/their situation, please let us know. We have set aside some cane to give out to people who have lost gigs and are hurting financially.

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay sane, reach out for help if you need any!

Much love,
Julie, David and Lucille

March 2020

Welcome to our very sporadic newsletter!

First of all, we want to thank each and every one of you for your support and feedback! We are incredibly lucky to be serving the world's nicest and most enthusiastic clientele! You all are the best!

Closed: March 18th - March 25th!

We will be out of town from 3/18/20-3/25/20. If you are planning to make a bulk order before then, please give us ten days to fill it (order by 3/8/20). Regular (non-bulk) orders will be filled until 3/16/20 and in the order they were received when we return.

New Type of Cane!

We have added Lavoro cane from Turkey to our cane selection. Lavoro has been very consistent and easy to work with. Barton Cane customer feedback concerning our Lavoro gsp cane has been completely positive so far. Our cane selection now consists of: Glotin, Gonzalez, Donati, Danzi, Rigotti, K.GE, Lavoro, and Medir.

Factory Seconds!

We have added an option to buy factory seconds on our website. They are $2.50 each and come in packs of 10 pieces. This is an excellent product for students learning how to make reeds for the first time and not wanting to break the bank, for experienced reed makers who have the magical ability to make any piece of mystery cane into a working reed, and for those of you who enjoy gambling. The factory seconds are structurally functional but may have aesthetic issues and are not labeled.

Tax Time!

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If your 2019 Barton Cane purchases are tax deductible (for most people they probably are), we are happy to email you your 2019 Barton Cane receipts. Email us at

IDRS! Join us at IDRS in Iowa City this summer! IDRS is the highlight of our year and we are so excited to see you all there! Click HERE for more IDRS information.

Free Shipping! Barton Cane offers free shipping for all orders over $150. This includes international orders! Enter coupon code, “FreeShipping” at checkout.

Wishing you all a wonderful Spring!

~ David, Julie, and Lucille

October 2019

Dear Barton Cane Customers,

Welcome to the Barton Cane Newsletter! A lot has happened since our last newsletter from December of 2017!

First and foremost, we'd like to extend our deepest condolences to the family, friends, students and colleagues of Eric Varner. It just doesn't seem real that he is gone. The double reed community misses you dearly Eric. Rest in peace friend, your smile lives on.

Barton Cane Happenings

On the Subject of Hardness Testing: Many folks have asked if we would consider doing hardness testing. We have decided not to for the following reasons: We currently offer 105 varieties of gsp cane. If we were to add "soft, medium and hard" options, that number would triple. We may also need to categorize our current cane brands, the density of which are somewhat fluid since density changes from one batch to another. In addition to the daunting thought of navigating this Pandora's box of variables, we could end up throwing cane away that was outside of the density parameters, but that may have made great reeds. Throwing cane away could easily result in driving up prices. Our current company goals include keeping all varieties in stock and keeping prices stable.

Cane Feedback from Customers: Since we do not do any hardness testing, we greatly appreciate all cane feedback. We reference this feedback when customers ask about cane density.

Website Updates

Ordering in Bulk: We recently added a bulk option to the website and lowered the minimum order from 250 to 150. Bulk prices are 25% lower than non bulk prices ($4.50 per piece vs $6.00 per piece). Bulk orders cannot be mixed, they need to be the same shape, profile and type of cane.

Factory Seconds: We added "factory seconds" to the website. These are pieces that didn't deserve to be thrown away, but weren't up to the Barton Cane standard. They are completely random, unlabeled and have some defects. Folks have asked for cane that could be used to practice making reeds and we thought this would be a good solution. Factory seconds come in packs of 10 and are $2.50 per piece.

New Cane Brand! Our cane selection will soon include Lavoro cane from Turkey! We aim to have the Lavoro option on the website by December.

Existing Cane Choices and Updates: We currently offer Gonzalez, Glotin, Medir, Rigotti, Danzi, Donati and K.GE cane. We are not going to order anymore K.GE. We'll sell out of what we have and then take it off of the website. The gsp on our website that has been processed using K.GE cane is of acceptable quality, but we throw away too much cane during the processing to make it worthwhile.

Swag: We now have a swag page to our website where you cane find Barton Cane t-shirts, water bottles, tote bags and temporary tattoos (free). Sporting Barton Cane swag has been known to drastically improve one's mood and to bring very good luck. Giving Barton Cane swag as holiday gifts to colleagues and mentors has been proven to bring good karma to both the giver and the receiver.


Energy: Barton Cane is powered by 100% renewable energy. Longmont Colorado's renewable energy comes from a variety of sources including wind, hydroelectric and solar. If you are interested in switching to renewable energy for your home or business, check with your power company to see what they offer!

Packaging: Feel free to reuse, recycle and/or compost all packaging from Barton Cane. You may also feed it to your worms.

We are always looking for ways to be more environmentally friendly. Feel free to contact us with ideas!

Reed Makers

If you have an online reed store and use our cane, we would love to help promote and grow your business. We are happy to share your info on social media and list your shop on our website. Feel free to email us your website and promotional materials. Click here to view our current list of reed makers.

If you are interested in opening an online reed store and don't know where to start, feel free to contact us for some ideas on establishing a website, marketing etc. We are happy to help!

Upcoming Sales and Events

Halloween Drawings: We will have two $100 Barton Cane gift card drawings on Halloween! Both will be announced the week before Halloween. The drawings will take place the day after Halloween. One will involve bassoons and will be posted on the Barton Cane Facebook page. The other will involve pets and will be posted on the Double Read Pets page. Consider yourselves warned!

IDRS 2020! IDRS is without a doubt our favorite time of year! We very much look forward to seeing you all there! The proposal deadline is December 1st so get crack'n!

Social Media

Social Media: We cannot thank you all enough for your ongoing support and enthusiasm on social media! It truly warms our hearts to be involved is such kind, encouraging and nurturing community. If you don't already, feel free to participate in these shenanigans on Instagram and/or Facebook. To be honest, we just don't understand Twitter so we have it set to automatically post our facebook posts. We don't even know our Twitter login info.
Double Reed Pets Facebook Page: We created this page when we realized that double reed players have incredibly cute and hilarious pets! Thank you all for blowing this page up! This is after all, what the internet is for. Dave and I have some serious favorites that include Knox the chinchilla, Cow the bunny, Leota the french bulldog... actually, this could go on all day, let's just admit that they are all our favorite!

Friendly Reminders

Permanently Free Shipping for Orders Over $150. We offer permanently free shipping on all orders over $150. This includes international orders. Remember to enter coupon code: FreeShipping at checkout. 

Return/Replace Policy. We are always happy to send a refund or replacements for any of our cane that doesn't work out for you in any way. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any difficulties during your reed making process. Our company is built on customer suggestions and feedback and we are always looking for ways to improve the quality of our products. Feel free to contact us with any feedback or suggestions, we value your input.

Thank you all for making this company possible!

Have a wonderful week,

Dave, Julie and Lucille (the pup)

December 2017

Dear Barton Cane Customers,
Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for Barton Cane's best year yet! In 2017 we made many improvements to our process and we have big plans for 2018. Thank you for making Barton Cane possible!

Energy Sustainability ~ Barton Cane is powered by 100% renewable energy. Longmont Colorado's renewable energy comes from a variety of sources including wind, hydroelectric and solar.

New Artist ~ We will soon be adding William Short to our Artist Series! William Short is the principal bassoonist of the Metropolitan Opera. He also teaches at The Juilliard School, The Manhattan School of Music and Temple University. Click HERE to view William Short's Website.

Current Artists ~ Our current artists include: Jennifer Auerbach of Bocal Majority, Kristin Wolfe Jensen of University of Texas at Austin, Jeff Keesecker of Florida State, Darrel Hale of Louisiana State University, Javier Rodriguez of the Lionel Hampton School of Music, University of Idaho, Eryn Oft of Jacksonville State University and Gabriel Beavers of University of Miami Frost School of Music.

Double Reed Days and Competitions ~ We are delighted to send Barton Cane coupons, stickers and gift certificates for prizes to those of you who are organizing double reed events. Contact us at

Reed Makers ~ If you have an online reed store and use our cane, we would love to help promote and grow your business. We are happy to share your info on social media and list your shop on our website. Feel free to email us your website and promotional materials. Click HERE to view our current list of reed makers.

IDRS 2018 ~ Barton Cane will most definitely be at IDRS 2018 in Granada, Spain! The conference dates are August 28th - September 1st. Hope to see you all there!

Dr. Judy Bowers Endowment for Music Education ~ We will be attending this event in Orlando to support Music Education (and visit some old Florida friends). We will be out of the office from January 6th through 11th, 2018. You may still place orders during this time. They will be filled when we return.

Social Media
Instagram is our number one social media outlet. Barton Cane's Instagram features cane updates, sales, pup pics and pup hikes. Also check us out on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you for all of your social media support! We greatly appreciate all of your comments and Barton Cane enthusiasm!

Permanently Free Shipping for Orders Over $150 ~ We now offer permanently free shipping on all orders over $150. This includes international orders. Enter coupon code: FreeShipping at checkout.

Free T-Shirts! ~ We want you look'n sharp in 2018! Click HERE to order your free Barton Cane t-shirt while supplies last.

Return/Replace Policy ~ We are always happy to send a refund or replacements for any of our cane that doesn't work out for you in any way. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any difficulties during your reed making process. Our company is built on customer suggestions and feedback and we are always looking for ways to improve the quality of our products. Feel free to contact us with any feedback or suggestions, we value your input.

Thank you again for a wonderful year. Wishing you all a fantastic 2018! Have a safe and happy New Year!

David and Julie

December 2016

Thank you for subscribing to the Barton Cane Newsletter! There have been many developments since our last newsletter. We relocated to Longmont, CO, built a new factory, got a puppy, added new products to our website and developed new processing equipment which is now in production!

Relocation: After two years of looking for the perfect property to build a new shop, this spring we began construction. It is in beautiful Longmont, Colorado which is close to Denver, Boulder and skiing! We just finished building the shop for Barton Cane where we have plenty of room for expansion.

New Processing: David has developed several new pieces of equipment which are now in production. Most notable is the new gouging process. You may have noticed that the gouge is more even and consistent. We also have a new finishing process which allows us to control the thickness with more accuracy. We have gotten a lot of positive feedback since the new equipment has been in production! 

Bulk Orders: Barton Cane offers lower prices for bulk orders of 250 pieces of GSP cane or more. Anyone is welcome to make a bulk order. If you are interested in making a bulk order, you may choose from the shapes that we offer on our website, or you may contact us about making your own custom style. We have the ability to make any gouge, shape and profile. We can also adjust the scoring, make wire placement cuts across the bark and adjust the tube length. Bulk Orders

Finished Reeds: Barton Cane only sells gouged, shaped and profiled bassoon cane. We do however have a number of talented reedmaking customers. We have created a new space on our website with links to fabulous reedmakers: If you would like to be included on this page, please contact us.

New Products: We have added one new shape, Fox 3, which is available in all types of cane, and two new artists to our website: Eryn Oft and Javier Rodriguez. Soon we plan to add Medir cane to our selection which currently includes: Danzi, Donati, Glotin, Gonzalez and Rigotti.

IDRS: Come visit our booth at IDRS this summer in Appleton Wisconsin from June 20th-24th, 2017! We would love to see you!

Thank you! Thank you all so much for your ongoing support and feedback.  We really appreciate your input. We often add products and make adjustments to current products based on what we hear from our customers, so do not hesitate to contact us!

Social Media: Like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram!

Warm Regards,
David and Julie

Novemer 2013

Barton Cane’s First Newsletter

Since Barton Cane’s opening in March, 2012, we have added many new shapes, improved our website, added new artists to our artist series and relocated from Austin, Texas to Boulder, Colorado. We also have many exciting new developments in the works!

Artist Series

The artist series features well known performers and pedagogues who have developed unique specifications to their gouged, shaped and profiled cane. Our artists currently include Kristen Wolfe Jensen, professor at the University of Texas at Austin, Jeff Keesecker, professor at Florida State University and Gabriel Beavers, the newly appointed bassoon professor at the The Frost School of Music - University of Miami. Darrel Hale, the newly appointed bassoon professor at Louisiana State University will soon be joining our community of artists.


In addition to our Artist Series, we currently carry Fox 1, Fox 2, Rieger 1A, Herzberg, Knochenhauer, Van Hoesen and Christlieb shapes.


Barton Cane currently offers Glotin cane grown in France and Gonzalez cane grown in Argentina. We hope to be adding more varieties of cane in the coming year.

Upcoming Events

Barton Cane will be attending the Meg Quigley Vivaldi Competition and Bassoon Symposium in Round Top Texas, January 18th-20th, 2014.

We will also be attending the International Double Reed Society Conference in New York City, August 5th-9th, 2014.

Thank you all for subscribing to our newsletter!

David and Julie